manikk LFO2 is a dual LFO with triangle and square waveforms.
Each LFO has individual rate, symmetry, shift and output level controls.
The shift and levels are individual per output jack.
Features for each LFO:
• Rate knob
• Rate indicator LED
• Symmetry knob
• Triangle bias shift
• Triangle output level
• Triangle output jack
• Square bias shift
• Square output level
• Square output jack
With the symmetry knob, you can adjust the width of the waveform from about 10% to 90%. By default the upper LFO’s is configured for faster speed, and the lower is slower.
The rate can be configured in steps by solder-jumpers on the backside, from about 1Hz to 850Hz maximum frequency. The output levels are bipolar and about +-5.5V (Vpp approx 11V). All outputs have a 1K resistor before the signal is sent to the output-jack.
Package Contents
• 1 Module
• 2 Screws
• 1 Power cable
• Cardboard box
Width: 6 HP
Depth: 21 mm
Current consumption
+12V: 23mA
-12V: 23mA